H. Beentje (2005) Tagetes. Flora of Somalia 3: 549-550
Plants annual or perennial herbs, glandular. Leaves opposite near base of plant, alternate higher up. Inflorescences of solitary capitula or of several to many capitula in leafy, cymose clusters. Capitula heterogamous; phyllaries united, usually in 1, rarely 2, series, glandular; receptacles without bracts; ray flowers few, functionally female; disk flowers bisexual, fertile. Achenes often flattened; pappuses of 3-10 small scales.
Tagetes includes about 40 species that are native in tropical and warm temperate America. Several species are cultivated and have become garden escapes. Two species are known from Somaliland, none from Somalia.
GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.