H. Beentje (2006) Prenanthes. Flora of Somalia 3:485-486
Plants perennial herbs or shrubs, with white latex. Leaves alternate. Inflorescences pendent, often elongate, paniculate clusters of multiple capitula. Capitula: involucres cylindrical; receptacles naked. Flowers: styles long. Achenes cylindric or fusiform; pappuses of stiff, rather coarse, barbellate bristles.
The number of species in Prenanthes depends on the interpretation used. Only one species is present in Somaliland and Somalia, Prenanthes somaliensis. In POWO (2022), this species is treated as a synonym of Launaea cornuta. Prenanthes and Launaea are considered to belong to two separate substribes in Kadereit & Jeffrey (2007), members of which differ in the structure of their pappuses. The species is treated here as Prenanthes somaliensis in accordance with the treatment in the Flora of Somalia.