Plants shrubs or trees, 0.5-60 m tall, the tallest sometimes with buttresses. Combretaceous hairs present, trichomes and glandular hairs absent. Leaves simple, distally and spirally arranged on branches or short lateral shoots; blades with domatia present at the axis of secondary vein-axils, spines sometimes present at the base of the spur shoot. Inflorescences variable, from densely flowered axillary or terminal spikes to condensed globose heads. Flowers radially symmetric, sessile, 4- or 5-merous, bisexual, mostly andromonoecious. Fruits usually 2- or 5-winged.
Full citation:
Maurin, O., J. Gere, M. van de Bank and J.S. Boatwright. 2017. The inclusion of Anogeissus, Buchenavia and Pteleopsis in Terminalia (Combretaceae: Terminaliinae). Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 184:312-325.
Thulin, M. (1993) Combretaceae in Flora of Somalia 1: 247-254
Plants trees or shrubs, without scales. Leaves usually alternate, often crowded aat the ends of branches or clustered on spur shoots, rarely opposite. Inflorescences axillary spikes, with bisexual flowers near the base and male flowers towards the end; receptacles in 2 parts, upper part a shallow cup; petals absent; nectary discs present. Male flowers with lower part of receptacle pedicel-like. Bisexual flowers sessile; styles single, simple, free. Fruits usually 2-winged (in Somaliland and Somalia).
Terminalia includes about 150 species, all of which are native in tropical or subtropical regions.