Plants trees. Leaves evenly pinnate. Inflorescences racemes, young buds enclosed by two, raidly falling, bracteoles. Flowers: calyx with 4 overlapping lobes; corolla with 5 petals, the upper 3 well developed, the lower 2 minute, setiform; stamens 3 with upcurved, anther-brearing filaments, alternating with 5 that are reduced to teeth and without anthers (occasionally 2 of the 5 elongated into short filaments). Pods oblong, somewhat compressed, indehiscent, sometimes irregularly constricted betwen the seeds, usually curved with a dry, scurfy outer shell and a pulpy inner layer; seeds subrhombic to trapeziform, compressed, with a continuous marginal areole on each face.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.