I. Friis & M.G. Gilbert (1993) Salsola. Flora of Somalia 1: 136-138
Plants herbs or shrubs. Leaves usually alternate, rarely oppoisite, sessile, entire. Inflorescences axillary, usually solitary flowers, occasionally heads or spikes, subtended by 2 bracteoles. Flowers bisexual, (4-)5-merous; perianth segments more or less scarious, usually developing a prominent transverse wing in fruit; stamens 5; anthers sometimes with appendages; styles absent or present; stigmas 2, more or less linear. Fruiting perianths: bases rounded or tapering, more or less membranous and not indurated or, if indurate, bracts and wings or similar texture; utricles included within the persistent perianths, subglobose, often thicker distally; seeds subglobose, horizontal; testa membranous; embryos in concial spirals.
Salsola includes about 120 species, It is more numerous in the drier parts of Asia ,, extending into Europe and North Africa, with a secondary centre in southern Africa. There are 5 species in Somaliland & Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.