plants herbs, subshrubs, and small shrubs. Leaves usually alternate, rarely oppoisite, entire or denticulate. Inflorescences simple or brachend 1-sides symes, with or without bracts, or flowers solitary. Flowers radially symmetric; calyces deeply 5-lobed; corollas funnel-shaped or salverform, usually without scales in the threoat, with 5(-6) spreading lobes; stamens 5(-6), included or partly exserted, filaments very short or absent; ovaries 4(-5)-celled; styles terminal,; stigmatic heads conical-oblong, cylindrical or disk-like with a basal receptive ring. Fruits dry or slightly fleshy, splitting in t 1-seeded or 2-2-seeded nutlets at maturiy, or reduced to 1 nutlet by abortion.
Heliotropium includes about 280 species which grow in tropical to warm temperate regions, particularly in arid areas.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.