M.G. Gilbert (1993) Chrozophora. Flora of Somalia 1: 282
Plants annual or perennial herbs or shrubs; monoecious; indumentum of stellate and/or peltate scales. Leaves alternate, petiolate, often plicate or bullate at least when young, with 2 glands at the base of the blades. Inflorescences lateral or leaf-oppose, racemose or paniculate. Female flowers near base, male flowers near tip. Male flowers 1 per bract, 5-merous; calyces valvate, closed in bud; petals imbricate; discs lobed; stamens 3-15, in 1-3 series, filaments united into a column; anthers erect; pistillodes absent. Female flowers on 1-4-flowered peduncles; pedicels elongating and reflexing in fruit; sepals open in bud; petals small or absent; discs lobed; ovaries 3-celled, ovules solitary; styles connate at the base, bifid more or less erect. Fruits 3-lobed capsules; seeds ovoid or subglobose, usually smootj, enclosed in pale, shiny. papery skin.
Chrozophora is an Old World genus of 9 species. One species, Chrozophora oblongifolia, grows in both Somaliland and Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.