C.C. Townsend (1993) Celosia. Flora of Somalia 1: 141-142
Plants annulal or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base, sometimes scrambling. Leaves alternate, entire or lobed. Inflorescences axillary, dense or open, bracteate, thyrses or spikes, termial inflorescences sometimes panicles. Perianths: tepals 5, all more or less alike, free; stamens 5; filaments fused at the base or to about midlength, the free portion traiangular proximally, filiform distally, sraely with small blunt teeth between the two regions; ovaries with (1-)2-many ovules; styles elongate to almost obsolete; stigmas)(1-)2-3(-4). Capsules circumscissile; seeds black, compressed, shining, seed coats sculptures, some only faintly so.
Celosia includes about 45 species. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of both the Old and New Worlds. Somaliland and Somalia have three species.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.