M. Thulin (2006) Carissa. Flora or Somalia 3: 130-131
Plants shrubs or small trees, with simple or forked paired spines; latex white. Leaves opposite. Inflorescences terminal cymes. Corollas salviform, tubes cylindrical, hairy within, lobes overlapping to the right or the left; coronas absent; stamens inserted at the middle or towards the top of the corolla tubes; anthers glabrous; ovaries of 2 united carpels, with 1-4 (rarely many) ovules per cell; stigmatic heads usually inconspicuous. Fruits ellipsoid or ovoid berries, usually containg 2-8 seeds.
Carissa is a genus of about 10 species that are native in Africa, Asia, and Australia. One species, Carissa spinarum, is present in both Somaliland and Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.