Thulin, M (1993) Fabaceae in Flora of Somalia 1: 341-465
Plants usually trees, sometimes shrubs, African species unarmed or almost so. Leaves bipinnate. Inflorescences in heads (all Somali species), spikes, or spiciform racemes; central flower of each head of larger and differing in shape from the rest. Flowers usually bisexual; calyces and corollas usually 5-lobed; stamens many; filaments united below into a tube; anthers without apical glands. Pods oblong, straight, flat, usually deshiscent; seeds usually flattened
Albizia includes 100-150 species. It is pantropical in distributioin.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.