M. Thulin (2005) Acanthus. Flora of Somalia 3: 377-378
Plants robust, perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves pinnately lobed to divided, sometimes with pseudostipules. Inflorescences dense terminal spikes; bracts large, spinose dentate; bracteoles lanceolate to linear. Calyces 4-lobed, upper and lower lobes larger than the lateral lobes; corollas 1-lipped (upper lip absent), 3-lobed, tubes short; stamens 4, filaments similar; anthers 1-celled, connate in pairs. Fruits capsules; seeds glabrous or puberulent.
Acanthus includes about 30 species. They are native from tropical to warm temperate regions of the Old World.
Only one species of Acanthus is known from Somaliland, Acanthus gaed. It is endemic to region N2 of the Flora of Somalia, i.e., eastern Somaliland. None are known from Somalia.