Thulin, M. (1999) Icacinaceae in Flora of Somalia 2: 120-122
Plants trees, shrubs, or climbers. Leaves alternate, without stipules. Inflorescences spikes, racemes, panicles or cymes.Flowers radially symmetric, bisexual or unisexual; calyces 4-5-lobed, sometimes absent; petals (3-)4-5(-6), free and valvate or united; stamens (3-)4-5(-6), alternate with the petals; nectary disk sometimes present; ovaries superior, 1-celled, rarely with additional empty cells; ovules usually 2 per cell, pendulous; styles simple or absent; stigmas entire or lobed. Fruits 1-seeded drupes
The family Icacinaceae includes about 55 genera and 400 species. It is found in all tropical regions and extends into some subtropical or warm temperate regions.
Pyerenacantha, the only genus found in Somaliland and Somalia, is unisexual.