Thulin, M. (1993) Gentianaceae in Flora of Somalia 3: 114-117
Plants usually annual or perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs, usually glabrous. Leaves usually opposite, without stipules; blades simple, entire. Inflorescences cymose inflorescences or of solitary flowers. Flowers usually radially symmetric, bisexual; calyces with 4-5 imbricate lobes; corollas campanulate, funnel-shaped, or cylindrical, 4-5-lobed, lobes usually convolute, often with scales or nectary pits with the tube; stamens as many as the corolla lobes and alternating with them, inserted on the corolas; anthers with 2 thecae, usually opening by longitudinal slits, sometimes by apical pores; nectary discs absent, recuded, annual, or of 5 hypogynous glands; ovaries superior, 1- or 2-clled, with 2 parietal placentas or, in 2-celled ovaries, with axile placentation; ovules usually many; styles usually simple, rarely absent; stigmas entire or 2-lobed. Fruits usually septicidal capsules, rarely berry-like and splitting irregularly; seeds usually numerous, with small embryos and abundant oily endosperm.
The family Gentianaceae includes about 75 genera and 1000 species. It is cosmopolitan in its distribution.
Key to genera of the Gentianaceae in Somaliland and Somalia.