Plants stemless, solitary or in fairly large groups, with about 24 rigid leaves that are 60-80 cm long and 12-15 cm wide, erect or curve upwards. Leaves pale to dark green with sharply pointed reddish-brown teeth about 4-6 mm long and 20-35 mm apart. Inflorescences up to 175 long, usually with 2 branches; racemes elongate-conical, up to 20 cm long; bracts about 15 mm long; pedicels 5-6 mm long. Flowers with rose-pink perianths 30-25 mm long and 7 mm wide across the ovary; anthers exerted 2-3 mm; stigmas exserted about 4 mm.
Aloe rigensgrows in grassy or shrubby flats or inAcacia-Commiphora bushland, usually on basement rocks, at 1200-1400 m. It known only from Somaliland (regions N1 and N2 in the Flora of Somalia).