Plants annuals or short0lived perenniasls with number, slender roots. Leaves up to 40 cm long and 0.4 cm in diameter, subterete, hollow. Inflorescences 15-70 cm long, simple or branched; peduncles hollow; bracts 4-7 mm long; pedicels articulated near the middle. Tepals 5-12 mm long, white or pink, midveins brownish. Capsules 4-7 mm long, 4-5 mm in diamter, transversely wrinkled.
Asphodelus fistulosus grows in grassy patches within evergreen bushland and on rocky places in such communities at elevations of 600-1150 m. In the Flora of Somalia, it is reported from regions N2 and N3. It has since been photraphed, but not recorded, from Gacan Libaax in region N1. It is native from the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean, through Somaliland, northern Somalim Eritrea, and Socotra to the Arabian peninsula and has been naturalized in Australia and Mexico (the latter statement based on records in MO).