M. Thulin (1993) Pterolobium. Flora of Somalia 1:347.
Plants shrubs, climbing or scrambling, bearing pairs of recurved prickles below their leaves. Leaves bipinnate, leaflets opposite, without glands on the petioles or rachises; stipules small or absent. Inflorescnces terminal or axillary, of racemes, these often clustered. Calyces with tubes shorter than the lobes; petals 5, all alike; stamens 10, longer than the petals; ovaries with 1 ovule each. Fruits shortly stipitate, with 1 basal seed, upper suture much prolonged and broadly winged on its lower side, wings wider distally, reddish.
Pterolobium is a genus of about 11 species. One species is native to Africa, the other 10 are Asian. The African species Pterolobium stellatum, grows in western Somaliland. The genus is not known from Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.