Friis, I. & K. Vollesen (1999) Sapindaceae, Flora of Somalia 2: 239-253
Plants trees, shrubs, or woody climbers; flowers unisexual, plants unsexual or bisexual. Leaves with (1-)3 leaflets, glandular, lower surfaces often with tufts of hairs in the axils of the main veins. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or panciulate. Flowers slighly bilaterally symmetric; sepals 4; petals 4, white to cream, spathulate, each with a hairy scale near the base of the inner surface; nectary disks unilateral, 4-sided; stamens 8; ovaries 2-3-celled, deeply lobed, each cell with 1 basal ovule; styles semi-gynobasic, 2-3(-4)-fid. Fruits drupes, 2-3-lobed; seeds ellipsoid to globose, straw-coloured, without arillodes.
Allophyllus includes about 100 species. They are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It is represented by different varieties of Allophyllus rubifolius in Somaliland and Somalia.