M. Thulin (1993) Crassulaceae. In: Flora of Somalia 1: 87-95
Plants perennial or annual herbs or subshrubs. Leaves opposite, usually simple, occasionally deeply divided to pinnately compound, often crenate or serrate. Inflorescences termina; corymbose or paniculate cymes. Flowers 3-4-merous, erect; sepals shortly united or almost free; petals united into a tube at the base, lobes erect, spreading, or reflexed; stamens 8, in 2 series, inserted high on the corolla tube; nectary scales narrowly oblong. Seeds many, longitudinally ribbed.
Kalanchoe includes about 60 species, most of which are native in Africa and Madagascar, but with some native to tropical Arabia and Asia. There is one species in tropical America.