Plants forming large groups, 20-35 cm tall; stems 25-35 mm wide, erect or ascending, adventitioulsy rooting, olive to greyish green, margins soon hardening into a light brown callus having short, sharp teeth. Inflorescences terminal, umel-like, with many flowers; pedicels up to 20 mm long. Corollas deeply campanulate, about 30 mm long and 32 mm wide, smooth; tubes 25-27 mm long, yellow inside; lobes triangular, purplish black, ascending or spreading, with numerous versatile, club-shaped hairs along the margins; coronas yellow, glabrous, outer lobes each with 2 thin erect, horns.
Ceropegia codonoides grows in arid bushland with dwarf shrubs, deciduous or evergreen bushland, or open Juniperus forests at 25-1800 m. It is known from regionss N1-3, C1-2 and S2-3 of the Flora of Somalia which treats as Desmidorchis speciosa. It is one of 4 species of Ceropegia sect. Desmidorchis known from Somaliland.
Plants forming large groups, 20-35 cm tall; stems 25-35 cm wide, erect of ascenting, adventituioulsy rooting, olive to greyish green, margins soon hardened into a light brown calluse and with short, hard teeth. Inflorescences terminal, umbel-like, with many flowers; pedicels up to 20 mm long. Corollas deeply campanulate, about 30 mm long and 32 mm wide, smooth; tubes 25-27 mm long, yellow inside; lobes triangular, purplish black, ascending or spreading, with numerous, versatile, club-shaped hairs on the margins; coronas yellows, glabrous; outer lobes each with 2 thin, erect horns.
Ceropegia codonoides grows in arid bushland with dwarf shrubs, deciduous or evergreen bushland, or open Juniperus forest at elevations of 25-1800 m. It is known from regions N1-3, C1-2, and S2 and 3 of the Flora of Somalia and from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Tanzania. It has sometimes been treated as Desmidorchis speciosa. It is one of four species of Ceropegia sect. Desmidorchis reported from Somaliland in the Flora of Somalia.
Pickering & Awale (2018) Introduction to Plants of Central Somaliland. Page 35.
Erect, clump forming plants up to 35 cm, stems grey/green, margins hardening into a light brown ridge with short teeth. Flowers in large terminal balls, dark purple/black with yellow inside.
Habitat: Arid bushland or open Juniper forest, altitude up to 1800 m.
Distribution: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania and Kenya.