Thulin, M. (1993) Leguminosae. Flora of Somalia 1: 341- 465
Plants shrubs, often climbing, or trees, often with spines of prickles. Leaves bipinnate, without specialized glands but sometimes with glandular hairs; leaflets usually opposite, often glandular. Inflorescences racemes or panicles. Sepals 5, imbricate, the lowest often largest and hooded; petals 5, 4 subequal, the top one usually smaller; stamens 10, filaments alternating long and short, hairy, often glandular below; ovaries subsessile to shortly stipitate; ovules 2-10. pods varied, usually flattened, not winged, dehiscent or not; valves coriaceous, woody, or pulpy, sometimes spiny; seeds transverse or nearly so.
Caesalpinia is a tropical genus of about 150 species. It is most numerous in the New World. There are 7 species in Somaliland and Somalia.