H. Beentje (2005) Blumea. Flora of Somalia 3:495-496.
Plants annual or pereenial herbs or shrubs. Leaves alternate; blades simple, margins dentate to pinnatified, usually hairy. Inflorescnces solitary capitula or open corymbs panicles. Capitula: phyllaries numerous, pubescent, with scarious margins; outer flowers with 4-5 lobes; anthers tailed. Achenes narrowly oblong, ribbed, hairy; pappuses uniseriate, of barbellate bristles.
Blumea includes about 100 species. They are native primarily in tropical Asia but there are a few in each of Australia and Africa. There are two species Somaliland, one of which also grows in Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.