S. Demissew (1999) Tiliaceae. Flora of Somalia 2: 2-21
Plants shrubs or trees up to 5 m tall; branches cylindrical, purplish, with pale lenticels, glabrous to puberulent when young. Leaves petiolate; petioles 4-8 mm long, pubescent; blades elliptic to ovate, 2.5-6.5(12) cm long, 1.5-3.5(-5) cm wide, lowers surfaces whitish and glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, upper surfaces pale green and glabrous, margins, bases rounded to cuneate and sometimes slightly asymmetrical, margins crenate-serrate, tips acuminate. Inflorescences 1-2 together, each 2-3 cm long and with 2-3 flowers; peduncles 5-12 mm long; pedicels 3-12 mm long. Sepals elliptic, 7-10 mm long; petals 5-7mm long, yellow, obovate, with or without a nectar producing claw; ovaries 1-celled, with 4 ovules; styles with 4 broad stigma lobes. Fruits unlobed, 5-7 mm in diamter, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs; stones reticulate.
Grewia trichocarpa is thoughr to grow in Acacia-Commiphora woodlands at intermediate elevations. It is known from region N1 of the Flora of Somaliia and Ethiopia, Eritreat, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya Tanzania. Rwanda and Burundi.