Thulin, M. (2006) Appendix in Flora of Somalia 3: 559-585
Plants parasitic herbs, usually glandular hairy. Leaves opposite or alternate, usually at the least the lower ones reduced to scales. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or terminal spikes or racemes. Flowers 5-merous with respect to the calyx and corollas; calyces tubular or tubular-campanulate, 5-dentate or 5-lobed, lobes extending to below midlength; corollas funnel-shaped, more or less curved; lobes 5, the upper two partly united; stamens 4, 2 long and 2 short, usually included; anthers usually with 2 thecae, thecae parallel or transverse, one fertile, acuminate or mucronate at the base, the other sterile, usually longer and subulate-acuminate at the base, rarely absent; ovaries superior; styles curved; stigmas club-shaped or oblong. Fruits loculicidal capsules, ellipsoid to globose; seeds numerous.
Harveya includes about 27 species which are native in tropical and southern Africa, Madagascar, and Yemen.
Only one species of Harveya, Harveya obtusifolia, is known from Somaliland and none from Somalia.