Cuccuini, P. (1999) Olacaceae in Flora of Somalia 2: 127-128
Plants trees or shrubs; branches usually spiny. Leaves alternate, entire. Inflorescences usually axillary clusters or pedunculate cymes, sometimes of solitary flowers. Flowers 4-5-merous, bisexual; calyces small, 4-5-lobed; petals 4-5, valvate, linear-oblong, inner surfaces densely pilose, outer surfaces glabrous or sparsely pubescent; stamens 8(-10), free, 4 opposite the petals, 4 alternate with them; filaments filiform; anthers linear-oblong, erect, longitudinally dehsicent; ovaries superior, 3(-4)-partite almost to the top; ovules 3-4, anatropous; styles short; stigmas capitate. Fruits drupes, ovoid to globose.
The family Ximeniaceae includes only one genus, Ximenia. It was included in an admittedly paraphyletic Olacaceae by APG4 but its recognition as a distinct family is supported by Nickrent et al. (2010) and Su et al. (2015).The above description is based on the treatment of the genus in the Flora of Somalia.
@Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Reproduced with permission.
Nickrent, D.L., Malécot, V., Vidal-Russell, R. & Der, J.P. 2010. A revised classification of Santalales. Taxon 59: 538–558.
Su, H., Hu, J., Anderson, F.E., Der, J.P. and Nickrent, D.L. (2015), Phylogenetic relationships of Santalales with insights into the origins of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae. Taxon, 64: 491-506.
Nickrent, D.L., Malécot, V., Vidal-Russell, R. & Der, J.P. 2010. A revised classification of Santalales. Taxon 59: 538–558.
Su, H., Hu, J., Anderson, F.E., Der, J.P. and Nickrent, D.L. (2015), Phylogenetic relationships of Santalales with insights into the origins of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae. Taxon, 64: 491-506.