Thulin, M. & G. Moggi (1993) in Flora of Somalia 1: 193-194
Plants herbs or subshrubs, rarely shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, sometimes with stipules; blades digitately or pinnately compound, or simple. Inflorescences axillary cymes, pseudo-umbels, or of solitary flowers. Flowers radially symmetric, bisexual; sepals 5, free, imbricate; petals 5, free or almost so; stamens 10(-15) in 2(-3) whorls; filaments united below into a tube with alternate long and short stamens; ovaries superior, with axile placentation, 5-celled with 1-many ovules per cell; styles usually 5, rarely 1. Fruits loculicidal capsules or berries; seeds with fleshy or no endosperm.
The family Oxalidaceae includes 8 genera and about 575 species. It is most abundant in tropical regions but also grows in temperate regions.
Only one genus, Oxalis, and one species, Oxalis corniculata, is known from Somaliland (regions N1-2 of the Flora of Somalia) and Puntland, Somalia Region (region N3).