Friis, I. (1999) Moraceae in Flora of Somalia 2: 91-104
Plants trees, shrubs, or perennial herbs, usually monoecious, rarely dioecious, often with milky latex. Leaves stipulate, petiolate, alternate; stipules usually paired and lateral or fused and intrapetiolar, caducous; blades usually pinnately veined. Inflorescences axillary spikes, heads, fleshy disk-shaped receptacles with flowers on one side, or hollow receptacles ("figs") with flowers on the inside. Flowers small, unisexual, radially symmetric, usually 4-merous; tepals free or more or less united, sometimes reduced. Staminate flowers with 1-4 stamens opposite the tepals, inflexed or straight in the bud and a more or less rudimentary ovary. Pistillate flowers with superior or inferior, 1-celled ovary; ovules 1, pendulous; styles 1, filiform, with 2 long stigmatic branches (or 1 by abortion). Fruits small achenes or drupes, enclosed in the persistent accrescent perianth or immersed or enclosed in the fleshy receptacles.
There are about 53 genera and 1400 species in the Moraceae. Most of the species are tropical but some species grow in subtropical or temperate regions. Two genera grow in Somaliland and Somalia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. In addition, GBIF may follow a different taxonomic interpretation from that adopted in the treatments presented here. For all three reasons, the distribution shown may from statements about a taxon's native distribution.