Thulin, M. (2006) Loganiaceae in Flora of Somalia 3: 110-113
Plants trees, shrubs, or herbs. Leaves opposite or whorled, ules usustipally present, often ciliate rims connecting the petiole bases. Inflorescences basically cymose. Flowers radially symmetric, bisexual, 4-5-merous, sometimes heterostylous; calyces deeply lobed or sepals free; corollas usually white to yellowish or greenish, united, often hairy at the throat, lobes valvate in bud; stamens as many as the corolla lobes and alternating with them, exserted or includes; anthers with 2 thecae, opening by longitudinal slits; nectary discs absent or poorly developed; ovaries superior or slightly inferior, (1-)2-celled, often only partially united, each cell with 2-many ovules; styles simple or branched; stigmas entire , capitate, 2-cleft or lobed. Fruits gfollicles, capsules, or globose to subglobose berries, the pulp fleshy to juicy, 1-many seeded,; seeds with endosperm, embryo straight.
The family Loganiaceae includes about 13 genera and 420 species. Its limits have changed substantially since the account in the Flora of Somlia was prepared. Only one of the four genera included there, Strychnos, is still included in the family. The description above attempts to reflect the characteristics of the family as now interpreted. As a practical point, Strychnos, has globose to subglobose fleshy berries.