Family: Sapotaceae
The fruits of Mimusops angel are eaten fresh or dry. The leaves are not very palatable, but are eaten by goats during the dry season and also hand-collected from trees to feed cattle during hard times. In November 2021, the IUCN rated Mimusops angel as NT or near threatened. Only one location is known in Somaliland, the other known occurences being in Puntland, Somalia. It was first discovered in Somaliland by Ahmed Awale in 2021. Its presence is documented by HARG000489. Friis, I. (2006) Sapotaceae in Flora of Somalia 3: 12-18 Plants trees 10(-18) m tall, trunks up to 2 m in diameter, with wide crowns; milky latex usually present; branches with smooth grey bark, ultimate branchlets 5-8 mm in diamter, often with crowded or whorled 3-10 cm long spurs which carry terminal clusters of leaves. Leaves stipulate and subsessile or on petioles 3-5 mm long; stipules linear-subulate, 2.5-3 mm long, soon falling; blades elliptic-obovate to spathulate or sometimes almost circular in outline, 1.5-3.5(-5.5) cm long, 1-2.5(-3.5) cm wide, both surfaces glabrous or with sparse straight hairs when young, lateral veins 15-24, parallel, bases cuneate, with slightly thickened margins, tips rounded. Inflorescences many-flowered clusters among the terminal leaf clusters on the spurs. Pedicels 0.7-0.9 cm long when flowering, 1.5-3 cm long in fruit, densely puberulent; sepals 8, 5-8 mm long, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, persistent but scarcely enlarging in fruit, 4 outer sepals leathery, with fine, appressed rusty brown hairs, 4 inner sepals slightly shorter, sparsely hairy, and with membranous margins; corolla tubes 1-1.5 mm long; corolla lobes 4, about 4 mm long, e-lobed, more or less equal, triangular-lanceolate, glabrescent or with scattered curly hairs inside; stamens about 4 mm long; filaments very short; anthers narrowly conical; staminodes not seen, probably present but small and inconspicuous; ovaries about 1.5 mm in diamter; styles glabrous, 2.5-3.5 mm long. Fruits juicy, narrowly ovoid, 15-22 mm long, (8-)10-18 mm in diameter, ith one seed; seeds about 11 mm ong and 6 mm wide, testa deep rown, hard, and horny, scar small, almost basal. Mimusops angel grows in open, semi-desert srub, often along wadis toether with Concocarps lancifolius, at elevations of 200-800 m. The Flora of Somalia reports it as growing only in region N3 of the Flora of Somalia. Its presence in Somaliland has since been documented (see HARG000489) Evergreen trees with crowded or whorled simple leaves 3-10 cm long and branches with smooth, grey bark that usually have a milky latex. The leaf blades have 14-24 pairs of lateral veins. The flowers are about 2 cm long and have 4 lobes, 3 of which are about the 4 mm long. The flowers are produced on short spurs among terminal whorls of leaves. They only produce 1 seed. |