Grewia penicillata is not one of the species considered by the IUCN.
Demissew, Sebsebe (1999) Tiliaceae in Flora of Somalia 2: 5-18
Plants semi-scandent or erect shrubs, up to 2 m tall; young branches cylindrical, dark brown to purplish, glabrous to slightly puberulous, with few lenticels. Leaves petiolate; petioles 2-3 mm long, pubescent; blades broadly ellpitic to obovate, 1-3.6(-4.5) cm long, 0.8-2.8 cm wide, lower surfaces pale green and pubescent to white tomentose, upper surfaces green and glabrous or pubescent, bases rounded, margins crentate to serrulate, tips usually obtuse to rounded, rarely acute. Inforescences leaf-opposed, extra-axillary, or in clusters together with leaveson terminal shoots, solitary or paired, each 1-2 cm long and with 2-3 flowers; peduncles 1-5 mm long; Flowers unisexual; sepals elliptic, 8-11 mm long, with tufts of hair at the tips; petals yellow, obovate to elliptic, 4-6 mm long, with poorlydeveloped nectar-developing claws; ovaries 2-celled with 4 ovules per cell; styles with many laciniate lobes. Fruits not lobed, tomentose, 7-9 mm in diameter; stones with irregular depressions.
Grewia penicillata grows in acacia-Commiphora woodland on limestone gravel or in red sandy soils at 140-1000 m. It is known from regions N1-2, C1-2 of he Flora of Somalia and Ethiopia and Kenya.
Semi-scandent to erect shrubs up to 2 m tall having flowers with yellow petals that are shorter than the sepals and styles with many lacinitate branches. It is like Grewia villosa, but differs in having tufts of hair at the tips of the sepals.