A. Radckiffe-Smith (1986) Euhorbiaceae. Flora of Pakistan 172
Plants prostrate annual herbs; stems to 20(-30) cm long, terete and glabrous basally, flattened and puberulous or pubescent distally, extending to 30 cm. Leaves petiolate,stipulate, simple; petioles 0.5-1 mm long; stipules triangular, laciniate, stipules of lower leaves about 1 mm long, fused, those of upper leaves paired, about 0.5 mm long, narrower; blades obovate-surborbicular, 3-8 mm long, 1-5 mm wide, palmately veined, bases obliquely rounded, margins more or less entire on lower half, minutely serrulate on the distal half, tips obtuse or rounded, palminerved, reticulate, green. Cyathia solitary in the leaf-axils on microphyllous lateral shoots, long-pedunculate; glands transversely ovate, purplish with minute pinkish appendages. Fruits pale green, becoming straw colored, sharply 3-angled, about 1.2 long and 1.5 mm wide, smooth, sides glabrous, angles pilose with white multicellular hairs, pale green or stramineous, often purplish. Seeds ovoid-quadrangular, sharply transversely furrowed and ridged, about 0.8 long and 0.5 mm wide, pale grey.
Euphorbia prostrata is native to tropical and subtropical America but it has been introduced to many parts of the Old World, including Pakistan. It grows at elevations of 500-1800 m on sandy loam and calcareous substrates, often in lawns, gardens, and along roadsides