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Collection Profile for:
University of Swat Herbarium (University of Swat-SWAT)

The Swat University Herbarium was started in 2015, 5 years after foundation of the university. The Herbarium is located at the main campus of the University at Charbagh Swat. Swat lies at the junction of three major mountain ranges: Himalayas, Hindukush, and Karakorum. It is home to an enormously diverse flora, one that contains Central Asian, European, and Himalayan elements. The focus of the SWAT Herbarium is flora of the Hindukush-Himalayas, Karakorum and northern Pakistan. A high proportion of its taxa are endemic, or nearly endemic, to the region and many of its species are rare. There are also many taxa that are highly valued as medicinal plants. The fungal flora is less well known but it can be expected to have comparable diversity. The Centre for Plant Sciences and Biodiversity is home to experts in several plant groups and macrofungi as well.



Swat University herbarium
Centre for Plant Sciences and Biodiversity
University of Swat Charbagh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Charbagh, Khyber Pakhtunkwa   19120, Charbagh

Collection Statistics

  • 3,050 specimen records
  • 2,755 (90%) georeferenced
  • 8 (0.26%) with images (14 total images)
  • 1 GenBank genetic references
  • 2,864 (94%) identified to species
  • 115 families
  • 466 genera
  • 817 species
  • 844 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 3 September 2020
Global Unique Identifier: a354c62f-d8f9-47a9-a775-c3b76c5cafec
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: University of Swat
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